
All equipment in the Makerspace has been donated out of the generosity of people who 支持菠菜网lol正规平台工程社区. 以表达学院对他们的感激之情 donations, the Makerspace is requiring ALL students and faculty who wish 使用 the Makerspace的每台设备都必须经过认证.

Below is an overview of the Makerspace, how to get access to the equipment, how to 多参与.  If you have any questions, please post them to the discussion 帆布板. If you need access to the canvas page, contact 一个 of the student 让助手们上去.Once you are on canvas, go to the Modules sections to gain 参加测验.


Upon completion of the general information module, a Makerspace assistant will print out a name tag and add a "GEN" sticker once the General 安全 Quiz is complete. 这 will allow you access 使用 the Makerspace during the working hours menti一个d on 首页.  学生必须在创客空间佩戴自己的名牌.

Additionally, the other modules with videos and quizzes will open.  学生将 be required to watch the videos, and take a safety quiz.  用于焊接,3D打印 and welding, students will take training from a student equipment specialist.  If the student is already proficient, they will just need to demonstrate their skill 学生设备专家级别.  


的 nametags are part of the safety protocol of the Makerspace.  每个名牌上都有 the student’s name, and the clearly identify what equipment they have been trained 使用. 下面是名牌的重要特点

  • 颜色: 学生的名牌是白色的,创客空间助理 & 学生设备专家 是蓝色,创客空间志愿者是橙色
  • 贴纸:  the stickers clearly identify which equipment the student has been trained 使用. 
  • 名牌存储:  标签应该留在创客空间中.  有一个挂名牌的地方 在房间后面的右角.
  • 注意: If you are found using a nametag that is allowing another student your name tag, 您将失去访问该空间的权限. 如果您使用的是名称标记,则是 如果不是你的,你将无法进入创客空间.  进程是否引起


的 makerspace has tools and equipment for students 使用 for their projects. 

  • If you do not know where to start on a project, it is a good idea to talk to a Makerspace 合作者.  这 student can help you think through 的想法 and possibly point you 如果他们不知道,可以找另一个人谈谈. 你可以知道是什么工具 是否可用并且对你的项目有好处.t.
  • For the larger equipment, the makerspace has: Soldering, Welding, Waterjet and 3d 印刷.  所有这些设备都是为了让你学习而设置的. 每种设备都有特定的 module, and will assist you through the steps you need to learn equipment. 
  • In addition, next to the makerspace is the college of engineering central shop.  的 central shop has a lot of equipment students can use, with the guidance and support 技术人员. We will not list off the equipment here, but students can contact 创客空间助理.  您将了解更多关于下面的中央商店. 

Note to EPICS students: before you purchase any items for your project, make sure 它不在一般的工具中.


If there is a medical emergency, please call 911 and get 创客空间助理, the 主管和/或中心车间技术员. 

If there are minor cuts, you can get band-aids and other items in the first aid kit 位于Makerbot旁边.   


Makerspace assistance are employed by the makerspace and are here you on your projects 回答你可能有的问题. 他们还负责监督开业, closing and making sure that students are following the safety guidelines. 

的 Makerspace援助, or Director, will oversee the opening and closing of the 创客空间和跟踪库存.


Some have specific knowledge on equipment and can answer questions and provide training. 的y can oversee the space, if there is at least two students present, and or authorized 执行安全协议. 


的se are students who have been engaged in the Makerspace, can brainstorm project 的想法. 的y can oversee the space, if there is at least two students present, and 或者被授权执行安全协议. 


If you want to become Makerspace 合作者 or 设备 Specialist, you must completed the general safety 2, and talk with the Makerspace director.  你会被期待 to have certain set hours of being in the Makerspace and enforce the safety rules.  这 will allow your team to have increased use of the space, since the Makerspace 可以多开几个小时吗.


的 engineering 机械工厂 is adjacent to the makerspace in rooms.  目的 of the 机械工厂 is for faculty students and to order parts directly.  在创客空间中, students can learn 使用 machinery and make parts themselves.  如果你的项目需要 limited specialized part, and it does not make sense for you to learn the machine 如果你想自己做,你可以从 机械工厂

Additionally, there is equipment that the 机械工厂 has let the Makerspace use (反之亦然).  If there is equipment you want to learn for your part, reach out to 机械工厂 technicians to see if they have time to teach you. 


的re are a number of 机械工厂 technicians who have been incredibly helpful in additional training and providing assistance to student projects.  如果你有需要 of tools that are not in our makerspace, it is likely that they have access to it 并且可以帮助你学习如何使用它.  有些东西包括:钻床、木材切割 工具,钣金弯管机. Two in particular who have offered to support projects 是:

的se technicians will be able to provide assistance depending on their availability.  的y will likely have more time towards the beginning of the semester compared to 结束.  如果你的项目需要 electricity, you need to have it examined by a 在你插上电源之前请先找技术人员. 


Each EPICS team will initially be given a space in a locker.  如果有额外的 储物柜,其他队伍可以使用.  If your team needs more space, based on availability, 你会得到一个储存容器.  我们目前正在寻找更多的 存储,并可更新


If you have any other questions about the space, please put it in the 论坛,我们将尽最大努力回答这些问题.