
MLIS students who do not live within the catchment area of San José, California (zip codes 939xx-958xx ) are considered Special Session students. 为了参与 in the (State) tuition fee waiver program, please follow the instructions below:

  • Submit your fee waiver application to fee-waiver@cross-culturalcommunications.com for program eligibility review
  • Once your application is approved, contact 辛西娅Nanquil (Graduate 招生 and Program Evaluations) and ask to be switched from Special Session to Regular Session; include the following information in your email:
    • 学生的名字
    • 基社盟的校园
    • 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID or application number

All employees/eligible dependents taking graduate courses are subject to 税收.

问题? 联系 学费减免 Program Coordinator for more information.