Jacque Wilson Scharlach

Jacque Wilson ScharlachJacque Wilson Scharlach
Co-Voice Area Coordinator, Voice


Jacque Wilson Scharlach is hailed as a "passionate singer with beautiful warm t一个s." She has more than fifteen years of teaching experience including three years spent as a musical theater voice faculty at the University of Southern Maine. She is currently on the voice faculty of San José State University and West Valley College, as well as maintaining an active private vocal studio.

Jacque holds a Master's degree in opera performance from The Boston Conservatory and a Bachelor's degree from California State University, Northridge. She has appeared with numerous orchestras and choruses across the country including the Boston Symphony 管弦乐队, San Francisco Opera and Philharmonia Baroque 管弦乐队. She has performed to great renowned on both coasts in opera and musical theatre. Some of her favorite roles include: Meg Page (福斯塔夫),梅格(小妇人)、基鲁比诺(Le Nozze di Figaro), Prince Orlofsky (死Fledermaus), Julie Jordan (旋转木马), Sarah Brown (男孩和娃娃), and Pitti Sing (日本天皇的). She believes in teaching a bel canto technique to all her students whether they are singing classical, musical theatre or jazz.